Subject: (Release No. 34-42450; File No. SR-NYSE-99-48) Date: 03/13/2000 8:34 PM Issues Relating to Market Fragmentation Release No. 34-42450; File No. SR-NYSE-99-48 I appreciate any action that SEC can do to make investing easier by addressing Issues Relating to Market Fragmentation. We do need to insure safe guards for the investor. Eliminating Market Fragmentation should not become a buzz word for expanded gambling opportunities on the market. Any time any seller places a sell order, that seller should own the security and the certificates should be in the possession of the broker. When an individual attempts to sell something they do not own, they are attempting to create counterfeit stock. Companies can create stock individuals can not. The stock market is the only place in the world that has allowed people to sell something they do not own. This process should not be allowed. Don E. Sprague