Date: 01/31/2000 4:30 PM Subject: File Number SR-NYSE-99-47 Gentlemen: Regarding the proposals contained in File Number SR-NYSE-99-47 affecting margin requirements and day traders, I request your consideration to extend the time for comments. The impact of this proposal is potentially far reaching for many small investors who have become profitable day traders and others who are in the process of learning. Unfortunately, the proposed rules are not easy to judge in terms of their impact and additional time would allow more people to responsibly respond and comment. Briefly, at this point it would appear that some brokerage houses influential on the boards of the two exchanges are not happy with the impact of day traders. In the guise of protecting these people from losing money the new rules have been proposed. However, time has adequately demonstrated that we Americans are an inventive lot and if we are determined to go broke, we will find a way to do so; by investing in securities (trading or otherwise), the lottery or other gambling, investing in a business or simply buying irresponsibility on credit. Legislating morality has never worked and it appears that this is a large part of the proposed change in rules. Investing and the markets are in a state of significant change which will come. However, such change should be well thought through and well planned - not done in haste. Thank you for your time and consideration. James M. Harkey 1300 East Valley Rd. Adrian, MI 49221 (517) 264-1430