Subject: SR-NYSE-99-47 Date: 02/13/2000 10:43 PM Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm writing you this letter to express my concern regarding the proposed rule changes from the NYSE and NASD for Daytrading acounts . First of all I understand that you want to protect people with a small amount of money from the risks that Daytrading obviousely faces. I know that there has been alot of Daytrading "desasters", but there are also alot of people who really make a great living on Daytrading . 1. The new rule would allow you to use 4:1 margin , even if thats ment to be the amount of total equity you can buy on a single day ,it still makes not alot of sence to me cause the risks of having that much buying power is obviousely very high?? 2.Why raising minimum account requirements to $25 K ?? As far as I understand by raising requirements you want to make people aware of the risks Daytrading faces . I agree $ 25K would make sence on that issue...but most of the people I know of like to have about $ 15K or even less in their account , they dont like having more of that in their accounts because it helps them managing their risks . Does $ 25K make sombody a better Daytrader ?? I seriousely doubt that...I would say somebody who starts Daytradng with very little money has even a more disciplined approach to it ,cause he knows , that he needs to be very disciplined in order to succeed . I met alot of people like that. I met more people starting with $50K and loosing alomost all , than people with less than $10K . Those small guys usually still have a regular job and take alot of time learning Daytrading rather than taking alot of risk and wanting to become rich over night. Also I think that alot of people who are currently Trading or planning to ,will than borrow additional money in order to start . That could actually become a more serious issue than you might think imho...!! And isn't this unfair to the "smaller guy" , I would even say it's discriminating . I always thought the US is the Land of opportunity ! But how do we protect people ? Frst of all sombody needs to be made completely aware of the risks he's facing when Daytrading , maybe even more than that's currently the case . I woud also be more than sensitive about misleading advertisements by Brokerage Firms ( very dangerous imho). The worst Daytrading story's I've heard of came from people shorting stocks, that than went thru the roof ...maybe you want to lower buying power when shorting stocks ? I 've heard of people running into "loosing streaks ", maybe one could be stopped from Trading if the person already has lost a certain percantage of their portfolio on that particular day ! You might also want to require some tests for people willing to Daytrade in order to make sure that they know how Daytrading works , how to use software and order entry systems ,and most important to make them completely aware of all the little "proplems " that one has to master in order to become succesfull. What many people dont seem to understand is the huge difference between trying Trading strategies in theory ( on paper ) and Trading with "real " money . Thank you Hans-Peter Clever Germany