April 13, 1998 Mr. Jonathan Katz Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 Re:File No. SR-NASD-97-26 Dear Mr. Katz: We would like to respectfully submit my opposition to the Actual Size Rule (NASD Rule 4613(a)(1)(C)). Kira and I are small professional investors. We are concerned the Actual Size rule will make the NASD Market even more of an unleveled playing field. We are even more concerned that the Actual Size Rule is being justified by a study funded by NASD. There has been no independent study done, not to mention the NASD study was done on a small number of stocks that trade very high volume which is hardly representative of the NASDAQ market. The Market Markers were also aware of the study and on their best behavior. (I know you are aware of the SEC censure of the NASDAQ market makers.) The Actual Size Rule was put in place to reduce the financial risk to Market Makers from the negative consequences of the Order Handling Rules implementation. The Order Handling Rules, from our observation, have had the effect of narrowing the spreads on the implemented stocks. Actual Size Rules has had nothing to do with reducing spreads. Any spreads that have narrowed are only from day traders laying off their limit orders using the ECNs. Market Makers receive a host of advantages that are not available to the investing public. The margin required for a Market Maker to hold a position is superior to what is required of a public customer. in addition, a Market Maker does not have to have an uptick to sell short as is required for a public customer. For these subsidies, the Market Makers are required to deal in an exposure limit for the stocks that they make markets in only if they are at the inside market. To reduce the exposure limit to 100 shares essentially gives the Market Makers huge advantages over the investing public with almost no responsibility to actually "make a market". Please require the NASD to statistically prove by an independent source that the Actual Size Rule does not diminish the public customer's ability to execute orders on SOES at the inside market. The NASD should be required to provide all of the necessary market data to the independent analyst to that a complete study can be accomplished. Until the independent analysis has been completed and conclusively shown that the Actual Size Rule has no impact, then the Actual Size Rule should be put on hold. The Market Makers got away with murder during the 1987 crash. I was trying to exit position that day and I was not allowed to put an order in, not Market Maker would answer the phones. I would hate to see them in a position to refuse to "make market" when it is not convent. They are already practicing buy using the 100 tier limit to "block" the market so they can reduce their shares to 100 and effectively "back away" from posted prices and amounts. Let's not make decisions on hearsay. Lets make decisions on sound study, not a biased study. I can think of no other public institution that would be allowed to make such sweeping changes on such a study, especially after a major censure on its own ability to self regulation. Thank you very much for you consideration. Sincerely, Ed Naylor and Kira Stadele PO Box 160425 Austin, TX 78716-0425