April 13, 1998 Mr. Jonathan Katz Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 RE: SR-NASD-98-21 Dear Mr. Katz: My name is Patrick Holmes; I live in Austin, Texas and am a day trader. I would like to comment on the Actual Size Rule and how it has changed my ability to trade and make a profit. Trading has changed completely in the three years that I have been investing. Obviously the actual spreads have widened since the Minimum Quote Size has been implemented. The same trades that we could expect to be filled within a 1/4 to 1/2 a point; we are getting hit for 3/4 to point difference. The Market Makers seem to be backing away more often and not honoring their quotes. Their ability to use the ECNs to stop the momentum of the stock is detrimental to the flow of the market. I think it is a bad idea to have the NASD run its own evaluation on a system that seems so Market Maker bias. It just doesn't make sense that they would say that the markets depth and liquidity without regard to investor protection. This Pilot Program should be terminated and the proposed rule rejected. SOES was established to protect the small investor from the Market Makers who prey on them. The NASD is made up of Market Makers, and they are the ones who have this program to study the results of the implementation of the rule for the first 40 stocks. First of all, those stocks and the Market Makers knew they were being studied - they could easily manipulate the statistics. But mostly, I believe they simply read the numbers the way they want too. They are benefiting and the small investor is paying for it. Please do a new study with an independent analist before passing on this rule change. Please continue to do what you were established to do, Protect the investing public and encourage a liquid and equitable market. Thank you for this opportunity to comment. Patrick Holmes 1101 B Gaston Austin, Texas 78703