Subject: File No. S7-8-99 Author: Date: 4/12/99 11:09 PM Gramercy Securities, Inc. 20611 Park Pine Drive Katy, Texas 77450 Dear Sirs: I just wanted to comment on the Year 2000 Compliance Program from a small Broker/Dealers perspective. Gramercy Securities, Inc. is a Broker/Dealer that is restricted to Direct Participation Programs only. We do not hold customers funds but work with Program Sponsers and Bank Escrow accounts and send checks through the mail by noon the next business day. We do not do any trades. The computor we use is for scheduling appointments and a few simple letters on the word processor. If the computor does not work when the year 2000 arrives, a simple solution to the problem would be to buy a new computor. We are sure we could pick up a much faster computor for a fraction of the cost of this one. We use a service company to file our focus reports. Please take into consideration firms like this one when you are make your rules on the Year 2000 Compliance. Sincerely, Roderick R. Scribner President