Date: 4/6/99 1:22 PM Subject: File No.S7-8-99 Attn.: Mr. Jonathan Katz Secretary/SEC 450 Fifth St. NW Washington, DC 20549-0609 Mr. Katz, this note is in reply to NASD-R's Lyn Kelly who is Director of Year 2000 Program requests for comments on proposed Y2K rules. Let me say in my opinion, that compared to other industries and other countries I think the SEC & NASD are far ahead in their concern whether firms will be Y2K compliant. I recently updated and tested the Windows 95 BIOS on the firm, Mid Florida Equities, Inc. computer system to make the system fully Y2K compliant and think its a necessary thing for firms to be Y2K compliant.. While doing some Firm Element Continuing Education recently at a Computer Security, Data Encryption, and E-Commerce Seminar in Anguilla, British West Indies, attended by people from Bell Labs, Microsoft, US Naval Intelligence, CIA, etc. one of the speakers, a noted Computer Data Encryption expert from an Israeli university mentioned something more ominous and potentially more likely than Y2K which I have never seen addressed by either the SEC or NASD in any notices, that is the threat of INFORMATION WARFARE between now and the year 2010. The speaker mentioned and many experts at the conference felt that without firing a shot if an enemy of our country wanted to disrupt or country severely all it would take would be to jam our computer network system, such as NASD-Turnbull, CT , Rockville, MD or CNBC , take system out for just couple days would serve to undermine confidence in our National Security Markets which doesn't seem a good scenario. The speaker seemed to think this event especially could happen around end of this year or up to the year 2001 as folks like Saddem Hussein, or Libya's Col Kadafi don't like our country and supposedly are working on all types of diabolical things against their enemies. I was wondering what steps the SEC or NASD has for Broker/Dealers to do in case of this scenario and have never seen it mentioned in Notice to Members or anywhere else. I realize it is a controversial subject that folks don't like to think about or talk about but what if it happens. Noah didn't wait for trouble before he built the arc if you know what I mean if he did it would have been to late. I am just a tiny firm and keep records still with paper & pen besides having computer records/printouts but you have been around the SEC for awhile. Your name appears on my SEC Registered Investment Advisor certificate back in 1992 so feel you might know the right people to get in touch with over this issue. I can furnish the names of the computer scientists and engineers at the conference if you or someone else from the SEC cares to contact them as I am not that technically oriented to go on and on about it, I was just a student in the crowd and had never considered this scenario. Thank you in advance for your time. Best Regards, J. Patrick Calby