Subject: file no. s7-8-99 Author: Date: 6/30/99 6:18 PM Maybe you people at etrade service don't pay attention when customers complain that they cannot log-on to your site. Maybe you don't realize that you are holding MY money-not your funds. Either way, this is the third time this month I could not log-on to your system when I wanted to. Actually, I did log on to another account with you, but then got a "contacted etrade waiting for reply' for over 30 minutes-and timed out. I told you last time that I would contact the SEC if it happened again. Now I have and learned that they are considering a rule 17CFR PART 240 that addresses internet capacity. I fully support such a mandatory rule with FRAUD penalties as described. As long as you hold my money, I do not care how many other customers you have I expect service. With my real human broker account my broker knows that if I am ever on hold for more than 5 minutes he loses the account!!! I have changed brokers only three times in 20 years. I expect that electronic service should equal or exceed what human brokers can do. You have grossly failed in that regard. Your little comment that "response time may vary" is not enough!!! No response by that standard is in fact a response. I think you are totally unprepaired to handle the type of traffic you would get if there was a major event or crisis. By denying people log-on access you think you can limit your liability, just as a broker not ! ! ! answering the phone thinks he can. That should not be the case. So I fully endorse the strictest version of the capacity rules proposed by the SEC to assure that service is always available to the customers. Remember it is MY MONEY not yours that is at risk. Your lack of action based on my prior complaints has caused me to write this note. FIX your problems NOW!!!