Subject: file no.s7-5-99,15c2-11 Author: Bill Raike Date: 4/6/99 2:45 PM Attention SEC, please be notified Raike Financial Group Inc, NASD member no.38095 is strongly opposed to your proposed amendments to rule 15c2-11. Our opinion of this rule change is similar to Alan Davidsons comments to Bloomberg news recently where he stated...."this proposal is equivalent to holding parents responsible for the acts of an adult child". Although our company does not make markets or trade these types of securities, we believe you should concentrate your efforts on putting the real crooks out of business instead of your members. The promoters that receive shares of unlisted stocks to hype the stock so corporate insiders can dump shares on investors at high prices should be held responsible. Most of the promoters are previous brokers that got barred from the industry, but yet it's okay for these people to operate at will since they're not licensed anymore. In summary, we believe the companies and or the promoters should be responsible for the imformation they release.....what are you people thinking???? Thank you for reading my comment. Regards, William J. Raike III