Date: 4/6/99 2:21 PM Subject: File No. S7-5-99 ASIA PROPERTIES, INC. 12707 High Bluff Drive, 2/fl San Diego, CA 92130 Tel 619-350-4288 Fax 619-350-4289 Jonathan Katz Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission Mail stop 6-9 450 Fifth street, NW Washington, DC 20549 April 5, 1999 Re: File No. S7-5-99 Dear Mr. Katz, I am writing to you with regards to the proposed amendments to Rule 15c-2-11, the rule that governs quoting stocks on the OTC bulletin board & pink sheets. My company Asia Properties currently trades on the OTC pink sheets and relys on market makers to provide liquidity and trading for our stock. Your proposal, while well-intentioned in it's efforts to curb micro-cap fraud, infact will just impede legitimate marketmakers such as our own: PUBLIC SECURITIES & SHARPE SECURITIES as they will then be risking considerable liability in trading our stock. As we are a very small company, it will not be worth the expense & effort for such market makers to trade our shares considering the liability involved. This new rule amendment shift the majority of responsibility to market makers from the SEC which trade these stocks. This will result in shares like our own, being "shunned" by any market makers. Speaking on behalf on my company and the 300 plus share holders, we totally oppose this new rule amendment. Sincerely, Daniel S. Mckinney CEO cc Arthur Levitt, SEC Chairman Issac C. Hunt Norman Johnson Paul R. Carey Laura Unger