Date: 4/7/99 10:58 AM ATTN: Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, SEC Re: File no. S7-5-99 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing about the proposed changes to Rule 15c2-11. Although we are certainly in agreement with the intended purpose of finding a way to stop the fraud in the market place this particular rule change could very well increase the abuses it seeks to irradiate. Legitimate market makers are not going to take on, nor should they be asked to assume unlimited risk in trading securities of companies which they have no control over. At the very least these amendments would irreparably damage the microcap market and the companies whose securities are traded in these markets. Investors would lose, companies would lose and the country would lose a viable market place for small companies that need these markets to raise capital. This country was raised on the ability and opportunities for small entrepreneurs to raise money and extend their influence in the business community. Should these avenues be cut off from legitimate companies the only ones that could afford to use these markets would be the scam artists. The growth and continued success of this country depends on a free market place for creativity and innovation to thrive. These rule changes would severely hamper the genius that keeps our country ahead of the world in product developments and finding new ways to solve the worlds problems. If there is no access to the markets for small companies we will no longer be THE WORLDS GREATEST COUNTRY. These changes are not in the best interest of our economy and country. Please do what you can to see that they are not implemented. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Roger Ellsworth Investor