Date: 4/6/99 1:21 PM Subject: File No. S7-5-99 I am writing to express my opinion on the Reproposal of Amendments to Rule 15c2-11. I believe that these Amendments if enacted as reproposed will touch off a domino-effect in the micro-cap market that will create disastrous repercussions for both issuers and the investing public. Allow me to illustrate this chain of events as I foresee them. 1. The reproposal will require Market Makers to perform a quasi-regulatory function while forcing them to assume an inordinate amount of liability. 2. This will cause many brokerages to cease making markets in OTC stocks. 3. This will reduce the liquidity of those stocks causing lower stock prices and wider spreads. Thousands of individual investors will see the value of their investments plummet. 4. With reduced valuations and market liquidity in the OTC market, fewer brokers will deal in the market. This will cause the already meager flow of capital into the micro-cap community to be reduced substantially. 5. With restricted access to capital, companies will close and thousands of jobs will be lost. 6. Investors will file high profile lawsuits against these companies and their principals. 7. The media will once again hammer the stigma of "penny stocks" into the American conscience. 8. The SEC will once again be called upon to reduce "penny stock fraud," and the cycle will repeat itself through a new and even more onerous amendment to another regulation effecting the micro-cap market. I am a member of the OTC-Bulletin Board Best Practices Committee, along with Richard Wulff, Larry Bergman, Frank Zarb and Patrick Campbell. As I stated at its initial meeting on February 25th., the regulatory community needs to make widespread changes to every facet of the micro-cap market --- incremental changes, without a view as to how they effect the "big picture" will serve only to exacerbate, rather than solve the problems we face in the OTC market. I believe the SEC needs to make a fundamental decision: "Should micro-cap companies be allowed to raise capital through the sale of freely tradable securities?" If not, change the laws and convince American entrepreneurs that the SEC is doing what is best for the American public. I believe that the micro-cap market can be transformed from its current state to a fair and efficient market that creates real, lasting value for investors and issuers. If you agree, then work with the issuer, practitioner and investor communities to make the comprehensive changes required to make this a reality. Thank you. Steven Crane CEO CorpHQ Inc. "The Internet's Virtual Corporation" Tel. 562.308.7070 ext 6 Fax 562.308.7077