Subject: 15c211 comments Date: 4/24/98 9:34 AM While the intentions are good, it appears that the rule will have unintended consequences that will be highly detrimental to small business investors, issuers and the secondary markets. If the proposed rule is enacted, there will be: 1) No prices in the Pink Sheets or on the OTC Bulletin Board The National Quotation Bureau has been informed by some of our largest market makers that they will not publish prices in the Pink Sheets or on the OTC Bulletin Board if the rule proposal is passed. 2) Huge potential liability for OTC market makers The rule proposal will create an ongoing liability for market makers in all corporate securities that are traded OTC. Market makers will be liable for third party actions by investors if there is any issuer fraud or manipulation in the securities they trade. Even if the market maker had nothing to do with the fraud or manipulation. The rule would not only cover securities quoted in the Pink Sheets and on the OTC Bulletin Board, but all corporate securities traded over the counter such as foreign equities, high yield bonds, corporate bonds and convertible securities. Market makers will be the new deep pockets for class action lawyers. Please review your proposed changes with the above comments in mind. I work with small company owners who are trying to follow the SEC's rules and create a secondary market for their microcap stock. These changes would impact them tremendously and quite negatively. Thank you. -Carolyn Smith WBS&A, Ltd. 3 Glenway Drive Austin, TX 78738 512-261-5200 512-261-3750 fax