Date: 4/27/98 8:06 AM Ref: File No: S7-3-8 Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, Mail Stop 6-9, 450 fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 Re; Release # 34-39670 - Reject this proposal please Dear Sir, While I do not yet fully understand all the complexities of what is being proposed, I do wish to advise you that what I have reviewed in the above mentioned release is extremely damaging to and would request that it be rejected completely. It is tough enough for a small developing company to survive the bandits in the securities business, but it is even tougher to build the American dream without the support of investors at all levels. What I see from 34-39670 is the elimination of small developing businesses and the creation of a benefits only for the Rich and for Big Companies, people who will only deal with small developing companies if they can take them over. A dream for the rich to get richer and the small hard working business man to suffer. I believe that there are a lot of issues that need to be changed in the securities industry and am in favor of change, but not at the cost of the small business man. Yours truly, Basil J. Meecham