Subject: file no. S7-3-98 Date: 4/26/98 1:13 PM As a law school graduare in the United States of America, I am responding with the fears that our forefathers felt may occur if the Fed. became all to powerful; It seems that due to the collapse of the evil empire in the east, we have now become the evil empire. With much trepidation, I reply with absolute disgust at another policiy of "just say no, and joe camel is the problem," This country that I love so dearly as well as the immigrants who flock here year after year want this country to remain a free market eonomy, not an ecoomy of haves and have nots. Crime, fraud, dishonesty and greed will not be stopped; However, with the assistance of showing the criminals that by their activities of not REPORTING-10Q'S AND 10KS THAT THEN THEY WILL BE DELISTED-ARTICLE IN THE WALL STREET JOUNAL 12/9/97. MAKE THE MOTTO -'JUST SAY DELIST' This is the easiest business to control; Professional methods with professional results. Let's not force this market to another country's economy where they will make it work properly. We can look to the U.K. where the AIM market is just beginning, or to the future, That maybe our inability to act professionally and responsibly on the OTC and Pink sheets may allow the fraud to continue and escalate at the AMEX , NASDAQ, NYSE, and the rest of the world markets. Let the stone throwing begin, the Federal Government must have budgeted a great deal of money for new prisons based on more of these and other new proposed rules and regulations. Oh yea, I forgot the Fed. is almost done with tobacco, and Ken Starr. 'JUST SAY DELIST' "NO 10Q OR 10K - 'JUST SAY DELIST' Hoping to see Justice prevail, Izzy Goldreich