Subject: File No. S7-3-98 Date: 4/23/98 9:24 AM Jonathan G. Katz Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission Mail Stop 6-9 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 Mr. Katz Broker support of Over-the-Counter stocks has been declining for years. Less of 2% of the brokerage firms will trade Pink Sheet stocks. I submit that killing the OTC compounds your regulatory problems, it doesn't eliminate them. I've written two article for the "Bull & Bear" that will appear this Summer. Since they address SEC policy, you might want to read the manuscripts before you enact detrimental policies. SCORBOARD discusses the abuse inherent in the trading of Exempt (504) Securities on the OTCBB. It opens with the observation that the SEC stopped the trading of these offerings on the Net, but refuses to do so when it involves NASD brokers. The article explores the results of your policy. The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly discusses some of your good policies, some of your bad policies, and some terrible policies. My agrument is that the SEC should reflect on what it is doing, before it does it. Before you kill the OTC, you should spend more time reflecting upon the alternatives. William Cate Editor Equity Finance Solutions - A free online newsletter Investor Alert - An expensive hardcover investment advisory newsletter Shareholders Benefits Newsletter- Distributed free by public companies. POB 276 Pescadero, Ca (USA) 94060 Tel: (650) 879-0654 Fax: (650) 879-9130