Date: 12/17/1999 10:38 AM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD Well, it's about time! As an individual investor, I am strongly in favor of requiring public corporations to treat *all* of their shareowners and potential shareowners equally and fairly. Material information about company operations should be equally available to all, not just to a select group of major or institutional shareowners and Wall Street analysts. There is no good moral or legal reason why I should be treated differently whether I own a single share or a 51% stake in a public company. Some companies have claimed that full public access to conference calls and other material information is too difficult or costly, and even that it is of no value or even harmful to small investors. This could not be further from the truth. With the resources available through the Internet, the costs of making this information publicly available are rapidly approaching triviality. And while detailed financial information can be confusing to some unsophisticated investors, it is the *investor's* responsibility - *not* the company's - to decide whether outside assistance is necessary to analyze and understand the data. It is also not true that such public disclosure is potentially harmful to the company's business. One need look no farther than Microsoft or Cisco to see that a company can be enormously successful while treating all of its shareholders fairly. I strongly support Chairman Levitt's efforts to create a level playing field for all investors, both small and large. Please look favorably upon Proposed Regulation FD, and pass it. Thank you, Mark Underwood Electrical Engineer