Date: 12/17/1999 7:12 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD!! Dear Mr. Levitt, Thank you for looking into this matter of "selective disclosure". As an individual investor who takes the time to research his investments, I find that I cannot get access to the top level information that the large institutions are privy to. I believe that a company wanting to create value, increase customer base, or create lasting relationships with its shareholders and customers would welcome this regulation. It is important for the future of all investors, especially the ones that do not want to pay bags of gold (and sometimes arms and legs) for the information that a broker charges for this "inside information". We are at a very important time in our history. A time when people of all countries and societies have to rely on themselves for their futures. The information to do this is becoming more readily available, but much more has to be done. This Proposed Regulation will be a giant leap in the right direction. The "Nasdaq" has, for sometime now, been seeing increasing amounts of small trades (50-500 shares). THAT'S THE INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR TAKING CARE OF HIS/HER FUTURE!!! Companies must be held accountable to ALL investors. Not just the analyst that gives his "Holy BUY/STRONG BUY" rating once he/she has been given information that no one else can obtain. My most sincere thanks to you and the S.E.C. for looking out for the real investors in our economies, the individual investors. Sincerely, Jesse Thomas