Date: 12/18/1999 5:39 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation - Fair Disclosure Hello SEC, As an investor who has recently taken the leap to manage my own financial matters by dismissing my stock broker, and educating myself on the market, it is extremely important that I get the full financial picture of a particular company when I read its financial statement. It is disturbing to know that the data released by some companies have been selective. I suspect the modus operandi is to boost their cache on the market. However, that does not boost my confidence in their integrity and I am more likely to sell off my stock in the company and buy elsewhere. Therefore, I strongly urge passage of the Fair Disclosure Act. The world is changing. Consumers are becoming more savvy, and investors as a segment of that population are truly taking the reins. It's best to give them what is fairly due them than face an insurgent mob. Sincerely, Jacqui Sutton