Date: 12/25/1999 12:11 PM Subject: Support Prop. Reg FD As an individual investor since 1968, I support opening the information gap between companies and the public. I hold shares of ANF, and watched it fall in wonderment. I couldn't get any information on why, and wasn't happy to find that whispers to another was helping people leave a stock I still own. I could go on with further examples this year on other stocks I have owned or currently own that have behaved in this fashion, every time to my disadvantage. I would like a level playing field where I have the chance to keep or sell based on information available to all. As a counter example, I own TYC, and even though have taken a good sized loss based on rumours, I don't feel disadvantaged are taken to the cleaners as I was on ANF. The information that has brought the stock down was available out there months before the market reacted. I knew the rumours of overextension and possible fudged balance sheet figures, and still bought. In the case of ANF, I bought on what I thought was a momentary dip (I had a buy order on record for 3 weeks before it was executed). I would not have bought if the information had been made public (the disclosure cam a week to 10 days later). Therefore, I support Proposed Regulation FD, To end the special relationship between companies and analysts and brokers. Sincerely, Michal G. C. Suchyta