Date: 03/21/2000 4:04 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD As a small investor trying to manage my IRA, I am all for "leveling the playing field". In this age of mass communication and self education, there is little reason to have "intermediaries"(brokers & analysis) "help" (recommend) with investment decisions. The very nature of having information made available to a select few (as in closed conference calls) goes against the American tradition of "fair play" and creates situations where stock price manipulation occurs. I have the tools, knowledge base and desire to make my own investment decisions. What I need is access to the same information at the same time the "privileged" few has. By virtue of my owning 1 share in a company, I should have access to the same information a large institution may have. If nothing else, I feel the regulations do not go far enough to protect the small investor. With the advent of the internet, a majority of the shareholders a company could be emailed information as soon as it is released. If you are a shareholder, you should be the first to know how your company is doing. Please continue to promote changes to the current system so small investors have access to same information at the same time as the rest of "Wall Street" has. The free flow of information and ideas will only help the market to develop. Thank you for your consideration. Richard L. Sayer