Date: 03/21/2000 8:58 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD I am in favor of the proposed rules for Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure). The many devices available today with which individual investors can obtain information about their investments, potential investments and/or purchase of investments necessitates the need for investors to have all pertinent facts known when making financial decisions. I have read many good arguments with examples in favor of Full Disclosure. One example that I would like to include concerns banks. Banks are now looking into allowing people to make investment trades via ATM machines. It would be criminal to allow banks to sell to their own customers/users, investments which the bank itself may be disposing of at the very moment a customer/user is purchasing that very same investment, due to information the bank acquired through selective disclosure. Further, such a transaction, most likely, will also include an ATM fee! Although the above is only one example, I urge consideration of the future, and what it will bring, in the ways individual investors will be able to purchase investments and acquire information. Full Disclosure should be a requirement. Individual investors are always told to get a prospectus, etc., for more complete information, and to read it carefully before investing. How careful can an investor be if they do not have complete information? Janet Nelson