Date: 03/22/2000 12:48 PM Subject: Selective Disclosure regulation I agree wholeheartedly with the SEC when it says, "The Commission has become increasingly concerned about the growing incidence of 'selective disclosure' of material corporate information..." As an individual investor who prefers not to use (and pay for) the services of an investment company, I am disturbed by the fact that these companies may get access to important financial information before I can. From my point of view, this 'selective disclosure' is no different than insider trading -- the investment companies with access to the information can make trades or advise clients to make trades which could adversely affect my portfolio, and I cannot react until later when I receive the same information. Please think of us 'little guys', and don't be swayed by the arguments of the big firms. Please pass selective disclosure regulation that makes it a level playing field for all in the financial markets. Ted Krieger Boulder, CO