Date: 12/17/1999 7:12 AM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD Thomas Clawson Route 1, Box 267-B Cleveland, OK 74020 To whom it may concern, Selective disclosure of material corporate information through conference calls or meetings that are open only to selected securities analysts and/or institutional investors, and which exclude members of the public and the media appear to me to grossly unfair. The SEC proposed regulation to level the playing field, is something that, if properly implemented, could profoundly and positively effect my investment decisions. Stuart J. Kaswell, general counsel of the Securities Industry Association, the principal lobbying organization for brokers. Says "We are concerned the proposal will end up restricting the flow of information rather than encouraging it by imposing detailed rules on companies, investors and analysts." I do not see where the proposed regulation could possibly restrict the flow of information from publicly traded companies to the investing public. Mr. Kaswell is doing his job and defending the status quo. But current system is weighted heavily in favor of brokers and institutional investors at the expense of the individual investors. I applaud the SEC and lend my support to the Regulation FD. Sincerely, Thomas Clawson Individual Investor