Date: 12/16/1999 6:51 PM Subject: proposed regulation fd gentlemen: as a small investor , i hope you will level the playing field and stop this practice of secretly disclosing significant information to only a select group of financial analysts.. as an accountant it is unethical (even repugnent) to me to disclose inside information of any kind wherein one group might get ahead at anothers expense.. furthermore,i would suggest that if we are to continue to have a strong economy, we must have someone willing to put up the capital, and people probably will not be willing to risk their money in the future if they even percieve that the stock market is not equally fair to all investors..impossible say the companies(and their favorite analysts) yet we can all see a touchdown simultaneously whether we are in new york,or spokane or in little town if we can all get sports information at the same moment, lets make an effort to be fair and get the financial information to all investors at the same moment............. thank you b h buser (morrilton,ar)