Author: "Robin Barron" Date: 12/19/1999 12:00 PM Subject: My two cents As a relatively new investor who had gone the CD route the past 20 years, it is amazing to learn how the market is being controlled and spun by a few. Unfortunately, the small fry, such as myself, doesn't stand a chance against the institutions, market makers and analysts, who seem to act on news before it is widely released, then dump their shares upon the actual release of the news. Or to the companies and analysts who spin non-events into events, preying on the weakness of the less experienced investor. It truly is a sad commentary that the wisest council I've been given as an investor is to buy on the rumor and sell on the news. The SEC must do more, much more, in leveling the playing field. I would suggest the following: 1. All information distributed by a company must be uniform in the manner in which it is distributed. In other words, no advance or sneak peaks allowed. The analysts, institutions, market markets, press, etc., get the information at the same time as the general public. 2. All company press releases should be released during only the weekends, allowing the public the opportunity to review, investigate and digest the information being released. 3. Daily reporting requirements on insider and institutional activity. 4. Revamping options. It is funny how the few can destroy the foundation of a stock price on the third Friday of every month. This is just plain wrong. 5. The elimination of price targets by analysts. I'm sure their are other things I'm missing. But the above would be a good start.