_ Subject: [Fwd: No. 33-7606A; File No. S7-30-98] Author: obwon Date: 11/24/98 4:57 AM obwon wrote: > > As the world of electronic information makes it easier to communicate, > so to does it lower the barriers and costs of 'promoting' stocks and of > course for offshore entities to offer investments from beyond the reach > of U.S. Regulative Authorities. > > Thus, it reamins that non-reporting off shores stock and penny stocks, > escape much of the scrutiny they deserve, and are therefore able to reap > huge sums from investors while operating below the regulatory > threshhold. > > It would therefore probably be wise to implement a program that would > require at the very least somekind of official reporting from all > companies selling securities within U.S. Jurisdictions. I would as a > minimum suggest that even the smallest company could or should be > required to file basic minimum reports quarterly listing such things as > float/outstanding share size, sales of treasury stock and private > placements, insider sales. As well as their once yearly audited > financials. > > In otherwords a basic 'skeletal' report, but one that could be relied > upon better than the 'catch as catch can' reports investors recieve > now. At the same time as we recognize that reporting requirements, if > too detailed are too burdensome for small companies to bear, there comes > a point in time where trade off's have to be made to protect investors > from scams which have been proliferating. Even the most abrieviated > official reporting requirements will have a substantial chilling effect > on the perpertrators of such frauds. As well as providing a level of > pretection and a source of reliable information to arm the wronged > investor with. > > Towards the future, going forward into the paperless world of > electronic filing and data handling, I can easily forsee a day where > powerful analytical engines can scan the masses of filings and identify > those that bear watching, before investors are bilked of their money. > > Thank you for your time. > M. Burnett > 600 West 204th Street > New York, New York 10034