Date: 10/6/97 2:38 PM Dear Mr. Katz - These comments refer to recent proposed changes to the rules governing shareholder resolutions, listed as File No. S7-25-97. I have three comments: 1. I am pleased to learn of the return to a case-by-case analysis that prevailed before the Cracker Barrel decision. I believe that shareholder proposals are unique and deserve individual review, rather than any bright-line test. 2. I am opposed to the proposal changing rule 14a-8(c)(12) resubmission thresholds. I urge that the thresholds remain at 3% for the first vote, 6% on the second, and 10% on the third, and not be raised to the 6%, 15%, and 30% thresholds currently proposed. As you are certainly aware, it is very difficult to even meet current thresholds, regardless of the quality of the shareholder proposal. Given the great deference given to management, and the diffuse, remote, difficult-to-lobby character of the shareholder community, it is already very difficult to promote management reform. Raising the bar will only make such reform less likely. 3. I support the "votes cast" standard proposed under paragraph (c)(12). I think that it is very important that abstentions and broker non-votes not be mistakenly interpreted as support for management positions, or for any other position. Thank you for considering my comments. Sincerely, David Todd 709 East Monroe Street Austin, TX 78704-3131