Subject: S7-25-97 Date: 11/17/97 6:31 AM Dear Chairman Levitt: As an investor I take strong exception to the new SEC attempts to reinstate the Cracker Barrel Decision in new guise. Yes I want corporate management not to be micro-managed. But as an investor I have an interest in my firm. At times I am convinced that it is going down a wrong path and I dont want to be forced to choose between dumping my stock and ignoring my views. SEC regulation does not just exist to protect investors from deceptive practices. It exists most fundamentally to honor the fact that stockholders are the true owners of such firms. Yet the proposed rules are designed to undercut that reality. Why create barriers to stockholder resolutions. If most stockholders dont buy the resolution they are disposed in short enough order. The real motive for blocking such resolutions is the awareness by management that minority resolutions often expose real problems that eventually become the sentiment the larger number of stockholders. If so, responsive management rises to the challenge and responds to the issues. As we rely more and more on the market, we need the SEC more than ever to ensure that the key actors in the market are accountable to the publics that that own them. Please discard or drastically revise Cracker Barrel Redux. Danny Steinmetz Univ. of Michigan/ Offc. of Univ. & Development Events Phone(313)647-7908/Home (313) 665-6735