Subject: Proposed Shareholder changes Date: 11/23/97 2:46 PM I am flabbergasted that the SEC would even consider the proposed policy of giving wealthy shareholders a stronger vote. In essence, the proposed policy does just this. People who may not be able to afford to be large shareholders in a company (in excess of 5%) would be discriminated against under the proposed policy. It reminded me of the Jim Crow laws of the South ealier in this century. I do not see much difference between "literacy" tests, property holder requirements and racial discrimination for voting and the proposed changes to SEC Policy regarding Shareholder Proposals. Last checked, the US was still a Democratic country, not a oligarchy for the wealthy. I urge you to examine the motives of those proposing change. I firmly believe that they are not in the best interest of the country or publicy traded businesses. I can only hope that the SEC look closely at what this country stands for and how these changes are contrary to those principles. I can only pray that you act in opposition of the proposed changes. Sincerely, Suzanna R. Randall Miami, Florida