Suzanne Polen 1109 East End Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15218 November 6, 1997 Arthur Levitt, Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission 450 5th St., NW Washington, DC 20549 Dear Chairman Levitt: As a shareholder in about 25 companies, with a net worth in excess of $3 million, I have followed the policies of the companies I invest in, been selective in choosing companies, and ensured that my trust manager votes proxies on issues of importance to me: proper and ethical business management. I am writing to add my voice in opposition to the proposed new rules of the SEC (S7-25-97). These rules will reduce my right to speak though the shareholder process. I am pleased that the SEC reversed the Cracker Barrel Decision. Yet now we are faced with blocks to our input. I want to be able to invest in our U.S. economy. I think I have a right to insure checks and balances so that corporate management will take seriously their internal governance, environmental, and social impact decisions. I urge you to uphold the right of individual shareholders. Sincerely, Phone 412-242-7013 Fax 412-244-0167