Date: 12/12/97 10:17 PM To the SEC: The current shareholder resolution process is one of the best mechanisms this country has for using market-based solutions to social and environmental problems. Your proposed regulations (S7-25-97) are about to destroy this invaluable tool. Part of what makes our economy strong is our system of active shareholders engaged in debate with corporations over matters of mutual concern. Social and environmental issues are not just personal concerns for shareholders, they seriously affect a companys bottom line. ICF Kaiser released a study in January of 300 of the largest public companies in the United States, showing that when public companies improve their corporate environmental practices, they are able to increase shareholder wealth by over 5%. Corporate environmental improvements are not a measure of goodwill with costly negative impacts on a company, but make the company a more attractive investment to current and future stockholders. History notes several examples of shareholder resolutions pushing management to act on issues, which, if mismanaged, would have seriously affected the companys reputation and profitability. Fair employment in Northern Ireland, China, sweat shops, tobacco, workplace discrimination, and violence in the media are a few examples. The shareholder resolution process as it stands today is an important marketplace mechanism for promoting corporate accountability and corporate responsibility. It is reasonable, it is responsible, and it works. Please protect this process, and stop these rules from going forward. Sincerely, Steve Kirch shareholder, investor