Date: 1/5/98 1:14 PM Subject: S7-25-97 I object to this new rule all together. It further removes the stockholders (owners) from the process of determining the values by which a corporate person, of which they are a part, will be allowed to operate in the real world. Corporate persons are creations of the stockholders by virtue of both their citizen-function in creating laws giving them life, and in their economic-function in contributing the capital that enable them to live. But the ubiquitous influence of of large corporations now makes the valuing process ever more complex and distant from the people. The corporation now has more power in shaping opinion than other community forces. When you place restrictions on the percentages of votes necessary in succeeding years to bring value questions to the attention of corporate boards of directors you make this process even more difficult. To paraphrase a famous value giver: THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND THE CORPORATION WAS MADE FOR HUMANITY, HUMANITY WAS NOT MADE FOR THE CORPORATION AND THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Raising value questions needs to be made less difficult -- not more difficult in a society where natural consequences do not send the immediate messages they did generations ago. The only alternative would be for a citizens movement to change the corporate law to the place where it used to be-- that corporations did not have "eternal life" but had to come hat in hand to ask for re-birfth or continued lease on life every seven years to the representatives of the people. Rev. Robert A. Kinsey Peace and Justice Task Force United Church of Christ