Date: 1/5/98 3:08 PM Subject: re: S7-25-97 To: Arthur Levitt Securities and Exchange Commission 450 5th Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 From: Ben Jacobson 1108 Cleveland St. #1 Evanston, Il 60202 Dear Mr. Levitt, I must declare my vigorous opposition to the proposed rule S7-25-97 that would severly limit the range and quality of information and action available to stockholders. In an age where stockholders are finally able to gain better information with which to make cogent and wise decisions about their investments it seems exceedingly "backward" to implement a rule that gags stockholders. It has been widely surmised that we are entering an "information" economy, an era where what we know, and what we area able to do with that knowledge will define our competitiveness and success. I urge you to do everything in your power to prevent S7-25-97 from placing us, US stockholders, at a disadvantage. Economic models are predicated on the notion of perfect information that allows people to make clear well balanced decisions, any impediment or occlusion of that information threatens the foundation of current and emerging economic behavior. Thank you for your consideration of this input, Sincerely; Ben Jacobson