PECO ENERGY COMPANY 2301 MARKET STREET P.O. BOX 8699 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101 (215) 841-4000 FAX: (215) 568-3389 Todd D. Cutler Assistant General Counsel January 2, 1998 Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 RE: File No. S7-25-97 Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of PECO Energy Company (the "Company"), I write in support of the comments submitted by the American Society of Corporate Secretaries (the "Society") in its letter dated December 8, 1997. PECO Energy, on average, receives three to five shareholder proposals per year. Although rule 14a- 8 works well overall, the rule often compels the inclusion of certain proposals with little relevance to our business or little overall shareholder support. For example, since 1994, one of our shareholders has submitted a proposal regarding board eligibility. Although the proposal has never garnered much support, it has received slightly more than the necessary ten percent requirement in the past two years. The rule therefore compels the Company to accept this resubmitted proposal, despite that over 88 percent of votes cast at the annual meetings consistently have been cast against it. We, therefore, support increasing the thresholds for resubmitting shareholder proposals and expanding the relevance exclusion as outlined in the Society's letter. We share the Society's concern regarding the shareholder override provision. No justification has been provided for such an extraordinary device. We believe that such a device is inappropriate in the context of a shareholder democracy and urge the Commission to either reject this aspect of the reform proposal or significantly increase the level of shareholder support required for override to at least 10 percent of the shares outstanding. Finally, although we concur that there needs to be clarification of the rules concerning a company's discretion to vote uninstructed proxies when a proponent acts outside the scope of rule 14a-8, for the reasons stated in the Society's letter, we believe that the proposed amendment of rule 14a-4 is unworkable and should not be adopted. We applaud the Commission's initiative in addressing the shareholder proposal process and believe that the reform proposal is a thoughtful and good-faith effort to address the concerns of diversified groups. We recognize that it is difficult to fashion process improvements in such a sensitive area. As stated in the Society's letter, the Company believes that reform of rule 14a-8 must be comprehensive in order to be effective. With that expectation, the Company appreciates the opportunity to offer its comments and will work with the Commission and the Society to improve the shareholder proposal process. Sincerely, /s/ Todd D. Cutler cc: D.C. Nordlund J.W. Durham K.K. Combs E.J. Cullen, Jr.