Subject: File No. S7-20-96 Date: 9/28/96 12:02 PM I have been a member of the boards of directors of several companies whose securities are publicly held and chairman of the audit committees of those companies. The proposed rule would be welcome in an area of deep concern to many board members. However, I do not believe that the proposed different reporting requirement (to the board) based on whether or not the illegal act is "material" is warranted. The idea of "materiality" in accounting and auditing remains one of the worst developed areas. Definitions are particularly poor with respect to illegal acts. The potential for conflict between a board and management over illegal acts is significant. Auditors should be required to notify the board of directors or ascertain that notification was made, "as soon as practible" with respect to all illegal acts discovered. The board, not only the auditor, should make a judgement as to the materiality of illegal acts. The auditor may make his own judgement and be required to act on it. While I agree with the proposed rule (modified as I have suggested), it is another example of the Commission's placing more responsibilities on boards, without assuring that the board, particularly the independent members of the board, has the necessary effective power to fulfill the responsibilities. I urge the Commission to examine the role, responsibilities and powers of independent directors with a view towards improving the power to match the apparent responsibilities. Lee J. Seidler