Date: 5/25/97 2:59 PM I have been a mutual fund investor for over 10 years and must Agree with Mr. Don Phillips letter in that I expect to be treated as an owner ,not a consumer. In that light I expect the SEC to govern from this perspective on all matters including the Fund Profile issue. Do not succumb to the complaints of excess detail in fund prospectuses [from what I could consider to be "lazy investors] , you must help the industry find a way [with the help of many smart industry experts] to maintain the detail but make it less "legalese" so the layman can comprehend it within a reasonably limited number of pages. Stand strong on this point, do NOT replace the existing prospectus with a profile as it does not serve us the shareholders. The Mutual Fund industry must be required to find another solution that communicates all that is needed in a better way. I expect your support and protection on this issue. Thank you for your time in reviewing my input. Richard C. Murphy PS. I only wish we could get employers to be as disclosing on 401K portfolio content as the mutual fund industry is in their current data to shareholders.