Date: 6/2/97 3:01 PM Do not authorize the "Profile" prospectus. As owners of mutual funds, the average citizens of this country require a prospectus which is complete. Do not allow irresponsible fund companies to provide advertising and marketing tools disguised as prospectuses. The only change we need to see is the replacement of technical, legal jargon with more easily understood, plain-language text to describe the nature of the agreement between fund companies and their prospective fund owners. While members of the SEC may be knowledgeable enough to feel that the "Profile" prospectus is adequate for their needs, the rest of us need a little more reassurance that we fully understand the terms of the contract which we have entered into with our respective fund companies. Do not back down. Stand firm. Insist upon requiring fund companies to publish ONE prospectus, and to make that ONE prospectus easier for us all to understand. Regards, Keane Matthews ___