Date: 5/7/97 11:24 PM Open letter to the SEC: I am in agreement with Don Phillips, publisher of Morningstar. I am a lawyer and ex-investment consultant with Merrill Lynch. Complete and understandable disclosure of investment information, as outlined in the typical mutual fund prospectus, is of upmost concern to me. I believe that a majority of investors find it painfully impossible to comprehend the information describing their investments. I know what a lawyer must do to draft broad and often times "prospecteze-like" financial language. A typical, unsophisticated, securities lawyer, does not understand abstract financial terms such as efficient frontier, alpha, style drift, beta, soft dollar research, rolling returns, portfolio insurance, inverted and calendar spreads, butterfly spreads, earnings momentum players, traunch futures, etc. It magnifies and at the same time distorts the issue when you bring the laymen investor into the equation, precisely... the average, trusting, and unsophisticated individual investor who lives in Mainstreet, USA. I challenge the SEC to come out of the closet of uncertainty and shed light on this urgent issue. I call to you, the SEC, the bastion of our American capitalistic tradition, take the leadership role, mount up with courage, and bring forth your strength. Deliver to the investing public, a new and clear form of disclosure. Make the prospectue document easy to read, fun, and yet above all proceed with prudence, for this is the citizen's investment dollar. Please I ask of you, do not let it become Wall Street's grand and seductive experiment with "efficient market theory". Give the investing public a fair opportunity to understand what it is they are investing in. Our nation's future is depending on you. God's speed my friends. Respectfully, Charles Robert LeMaire, Esq.