Subject: File No. S7-18-96 Date: 6/9/97 9:19 AM As an investment advisor who primarily uses open end mutual funds to help clients achieve their goals I cannot agree more that the current prospectus form needs some attention. It is a very important document, the first one in fact, that I or any investor should look at in contemplating a purchase of shares. I believe that the role of the prospectus as a legal document of disclosure of owning shares in a fund company should not be lessened. Far too many investors, (rapidly becoming consumers) buy funds over the telephone, thru the mail, thru advisors and brokers far too easily and quickly to understand and appreciate all of the potential risks and relevant information about fund ownership. Improve the prospectus, make the language clearer, more specific, and more readable(i.e. John Hancock's new prospectus), so the average investor will be more likely to go through it. The requirement of the act of reviewing an important legal document must not be lessened. The prospectus requirement is a good thing that could use improvement. I urge you not to replace it with the short form. People are placing their hard earned dollars on the line, I believe the goal of your effort is to increase the investor's likelihood of success. Selecting funds should not be made as easy as reading nutritional labels on food products. The more information and additional effort that goes into selection, the greater the likelihood that the fund owner will stay with the investment and reap its benefits(success). As an advisor and investor I appreciate your effort on our behalf, thanks. Dr. Scott D Greenbaum CFP