Subject: Mutual fund rule making Date: 6/9/97 9:32 PM Greetings, As you move ahead to make mutual funds more user friendly I offer the following suggestion: Like many others mutual fund investors I have to scramble at the end of the year and send the IRS additional estimated taxes because of the lateness of the capital gains, interest and dividend distributions from the mutual fund companies. I suggest you consider requiring or at least suggesting that MF companies give shareholders an estimate of distributions earlier in the year. This thought was prompted by a report I received from the Brandywine Fund the first of April informing us there would be at least a $4.40 per share distribution and that there remained unrealized gains of $3.45 and unrealized losses of $1.30 as of 3/31/97. If Brandywine can give this information well in advance which enables shareholders to make more accurate estimated tax payment surely the other equity mutual funds can do the same. Thank you for your consideration.