Date: 8/10/98 1:01 PM Subject: File No. S7-16-98 Dear Sirs, I am a shareholder in a small CPA firm that occaisionally handles SEC filings for SB companies. I applaud the SEC in its efforts to monitor the information filed by SEC registrants, and its recent attempt to better define the standards to which CPA's are expected to adhear. However, your proposed rule defining improper professional conduct remains somewhat unclear. As I read the rule, a general concept emerges with which I agree. Unfortunately, when litigation is envolved, general concepts often give way to exact wording, and your use of such words as "unreasonable", "substantial", and "should have been known" can be interpreted in numerous ways. I would hate to see professional risk raised to a level that would preclude many smaller CPA firms from participating in this market sector. I feel, at least affordable service. Respectfully, John G. Ratliff