Author: Steve Patterson Date: 8/11/98 7:53 AM Subject: File No. S7-16-98 As a member of the AICPA I must inform you of my opposition to the proposed amendment to Rule 102(e) AND my support of the AICPA's position on this matter. I refer to information from the AICPA where they have asked the SEC to define "improper professional conduct" as conduct demonstrating that a professional is substantially unfit to practice before the Commission. Under the AICPA's proposed definition, a professional's substantial unfitness to practice before the Commission would be established by a demonstration that the professional (i) knowingly violated applicable professional standards, (ii) consciously and deliberately disregarded applicable professional standards, or (iii) engaged in a course or pattern of conduct showing repeated failure to conform to applicable professional standards, but only WHERE IT IS ESTABLISHED THAT SUCH CONDUCT POSES A THREAT TO THE INTEGRITY OF THE COMMISSION'S PROCESSES (OR THE FINANCIAL REPORTING SYSTEM). A single act of mere negligence (e.g., an error in judgement) would not meet this standard. As an AICPA member I believe that a Rule 102(e) negligence standard with respect to accountants contravenes public policy, treats accountants in a discriminatory manner, and would actually diminish the vital role of accountants as guardians of the financial reporting system. It would be far better, for investors and accountants alike, if the Commission instead were to adopt the approach urged in the AICPA's rule making petition and sanction accountants only in the event of a knowing or conscious and deliberate violation of applicable professional standards or a pattern of misconduct that can be shown to create the required risk to the Commission's processes or the financial reporting system. As an AICPA member I support the Commission's efforts to protect the investing public from untrustworthy or grossly incompetent practitioners, however, the proposed amendment does not accomplish this. I also applaud the Commission for seeking public comment for consideration on this important matter.