Subject: Response to File S7-16-98 Date: 8/18/98 12:53 PM I am writing to express my concern regarding the implementaiton of the proposed Rule amendment 102(e)(l)(ii) authorizing the SEC to censure, suspend, or bar from practice a CPA who engages in "improper professional conduct." As a new member to the AICPA, and indeed a new CPA, I feel that my voice should be heard on this issue. I have no problem with the SEC censuring improper professional conduct as such, but simple errors in judgement do not mean improper professional conduct. Improper conduct to me is defined as having informed knowledge that your action is wrong and still willfully and deliberately committing the action. I have worked as a compliance professional and financial officer for an investment advisor, located in Washington, since 1990. Coming from an operations background, I had much to learn about the business and have put in enormous amounts of time and energy to learn about the industry and its rules and regulations. I have always conducted myself in the most professional and responsible manner possible. I am committed to my profession and my career and proud of this commitment. I am concerned that this proposed rule can censure me as a professional for simple errors in judgement. Haven't we all made errors in judgement? When I make a decision, whether it be an instant decision, or one that requires thoughtful analysis, I always do so in a reponsible ethical manner. Even so, I have made mistakes - that's just part of the learning process. I learn from these mistakes and endeavor not to make the same one again. I don't feel that the SEC should be able to suspend, censure or bar from practice, any professional who acts in as a fidicuiary in a responsible, honest, ethical and practical manner, even if their actions result in an error in judgement. Thanks you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please don't hesitate to contact me in person at (202) 383-6358. Sincerely, Ce Harrison-Wickline, CPA