Date: 7/24/96 1:04 PM I hope the new system will address the following scenario. An individual investor puts in an order for a day trade to buy 100 shares of stock X at $4.00/share. This is done at 11pm. Next day, the quote for stock X says it opened at $4.00, the day low. Does this mean that somebody bought stock X at $4.00/share? If so, and the individual's order is still open, what determined this individual's chance, causing them to miss having purchased the stock according to their order of the night before? If the next day quote does not mean that somebody bought stock X at $4.00/share, then I guess I don't understand what the quote means. In that case, it would be useful for quotes to include the lowest price actually paid for a share of the stock so far during the day. Susanne M. Humphrey