U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Sample Form 24F-2

The Form 24F-2 is presented here as an exhibit, to allow interested filers to see what material is required and the basic layout for that material. Of course, any EDGAR filing must be in ASCII text format and must be tagged with the appropriate document and header tags. Contact EDGAR Filer Support by telephone at 202-942-8900 if you have any questions about basic EDGAR filing procedures.

To view this file you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is shareware) installed on your system. To download the Adobe Acrobat Reader, connect to the Adobe Web Site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/readstep.html (or use link below) . Complete all the download steps; you will only have to do this once. After completion of setup, you'll have the ability to view and print any PDF file; this format is commonly used on the World Wide Web for material that need to be printed out in a specific format (such as order forms and tax forms). You can download a PDF file to your system to view it, or you can view it on-line.

Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader now.

View the example Form 24F-2 (instructions are included).

