Subject: File No. S7-24-99 Date: 11/29/99 9:39 AM Hello, I appreciate the opportunity to comment on proposed rule changes regarding the OTC market. I will not pretend to comprehend the mechanics of trading on the OTC especially the BB stocks which have some sort of innate ability to trade millions of shares with no movement and often no indication of buy or sell. As a novice to online trading with precious little to trade I thought it wise to buy penny stocks. Doing DD (I learned some of the slang on the message boards) is not always that easy for many of these stocks so I chose stocks that appeared to promote a product or service that I felt good about. Little did I know that these stocks could be manipulated, pumped and dumped, hyped, bashed and controlled by MM's to the extent that even if the company was legit it might never make it due to what should be illegal manipulations. Please exercise your options to impose honesty, fairness and a level playing ground on all markets with my blessing. Thank you, Hank Vaillancourt Westport, MA