Subject: file no. s7-24-99 Date: 11/14/99 6:54 PM I trade in the otcbb market. I have repeatedly worked with the time and sales reports to determine the number of sales bought and sold on days that the price was up or down. Moat often the price was down even though many more shares were sold by MMs than purchased. This is not supply and demand in action. One stock over a 9 month period showed a total od 46 million shares sold and 27 million purchased . There are only 20 million shares in the float and half are held very strongly. This is outright theft. Why does it matter if a company keeps the outstanding and float low if the MMs can and do sell non-existant shares. THIS MUST BE STOPPED Sincerely Ernest E. McLaughlin 795 Lay av Red Bluff, Ca 96080