UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 15796 / June 30, 1998 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION V. NICHI CAPITAL, LTD., OLAWANDE A. AGUNLOYE, WISE CHOICE DISCOUNT BROKERAGE, INC., RALPH ANTEBY, AND BRIAN WALFISH, AND STRATEGIC RISK MANAGEMENT AS RELIEF DEFENDANT, 98 Civ. 2218 (CSH) (S.D.N.Y) The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") announced today that Relief Defendant Strategic Risk Management, has consented to the issuance of a Final Judgment by the Honorable Charles S. Haight, Jr., Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, ordering it to disgorge $100,000 it obtained from Wise Choice Discount Brokerage, Inc. ("Wise Choice"), a registered broker-dealer located in Manhattan. Disgorgement of the remaining $204,000 received by Strategic from Wise Choice was waived based on Strategic's demonstrated inability to pay. In its Complaint, filed March 27, 1998, the Commission alleges that since October 1997, Nichi Capital, Ltd. ("Nichi"); Wise Choice; Nichi's President, Olawande A. Agunloye ("Agunloye"); and two registered representatives of Wise Choice, Ralph Anteby and Brian Walfish (collectively the "Defendants"); have induced over $200,000 in investments in Nichi securities by misrepresenting to investors that an IPO of Nichi stock was about to take place and that their money would be placed in an escrow account until the IPO took place. The Commission alleges that, in fact, the investors' money was used by Agunloye, at least in part, in connection with his acquisition of an equity interest in relief defendant Strategic Risk Management, Inc. See also Lit Rel. # 15688, dated March 27, 1998. ======END OF PAGE 1====== ======END OF PAGE 2======