==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 14940 / June 10, 1996 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. RONALD A. COHEN 3:93-CV-2257-T, USDC/ND TX [Dallas Division] The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") announced that on December 22, 1995, a Final Judgment as to Ronald A. Cohen ("Cohen") was entered in United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. The Final Judgment orders Cohen to pay disgorgement in the amount of $1,140,000, representing the benefits he received from the conduct alleged in the Commission's Complaint, plus pre-judgment interest in the amount of $181,468; however, based on Cohen's demonstrated financial inability to pay, payment of the disgorgement amount plus prejudgment interest was waived. Further, based on Cohen's financial inability to pay, the Court did not order him to pay a civil penalty. Cohen is currently in federal prison, serving 55 months in confinement with three years supervised release, for conducting an investment business in which he defrauded investors by lying to investors about the value of their accounts and telling investors he had made certain trades in their accounts when he had not. The criminal charges against Cohen were based on the same activities alleged in a civil injunctive action brought by the Commission on November 10, 1993, in which Cohen consented to the entry of an order of permanent injunction enjoining him from further violations of the broker-dealer registration and anti- fraud provisions of the federal securities laws. ==========================================START OF PAGE 2====== FINAL JUDGMENT ENTERED AGAINST RONALD A. COHEN The Commission announced that on December 22, 1995, a Final Judgment as to Ronald A. Cohen (Cohen) was entered in United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. The Final Judgment orders Cohen to pay disgorgement in the amount of $1,140,000, representing the benefits he received from the conduct alleged in the Commission's Complaint, plus pre-judgment in the amount of $181,468; however, based on Cohen's demonstrated financial inability to pay, payment of the disgorgement amount plus prejudgment interest was waived. Further, based on Cohen's financial inability to pay, the Court did not order him to pay a civil penalty. Cohen is currently in federal prison serving 55 months in confinement with three years supervised release for conducting an investment business in which he defrauded investors by lying to investors about the value of their accounts and telling investors he had made certain trades in their accounts when he had not. The criminal charges against Cohen were based on the same activities alleged in a civil injunctive action brought by the Commission on November 10, 1993, in which Cohen consented to the entry of an order of permanent injunction enjoining him from further violations of the broker-dealer registration and anti- fraud provisions of the federal securities laws. STEPHEN WEBSTER District Trial Counsel Fort Worth District Office 817/885-6459